Here are a number of pictures of toys I am trying to locate for my collection - if you happen to have one of these at a reasonable price please let me know... Also, any unusual vintage plastic space toy, raygun, figurines etc. that you may have please send me a picture at - who knows, maybe it is the next toy that will appear on this blog !
Captain Harlock Arcadia Pedal Car,
AMPATOYS, France, 1970's |
Captain Harlock Arcadia Pedal Car,
AMPATOYS, France, 1970's |
Gatchaman Helmet, Popy ?, Japan,
1970's |
Gatchaman Helmet, Popy ?, Japan,
1970's |
Space helmet and Goggles, Banner
toys, USA, 1950's |
Space helmet and Goggles, Banner
toys, USA, 1950's |
Roto Robot, Cragstan, Japan,
1960's |
Big Loo robot, MARX, USA, 1960's |
Space Ship, Marx ?, USA, 1950's |
Diaclone il Grande, Takara |
Superman composite doll, Ideal, USA,
1930's-1940's |
Bandai battery operated TB2 |
TB2 watercan |
"SPACE PATROL" (box) tin B.O. |
All Bandai Captain Scarlet toys |
.jpg) |
All Bandai TB toys |
Base Albator - Atlantic |
Maettel + Tochiro, Popy |
Lampe de chevet Goldorak |
Signal Pistol |
Renwall Take-appart astronaut |
Schuco Mr. Atom |