Tetsujin 28 Heavy Gokin, Marmit,
China, 1998 |
Chicago O'Hare. Before 9/11... check-in OK... buying a magazine or something before boarding the plane...
"Mister Geoffrey Peeters is needed at security, Mr. Geoffrey Peeters..."
There was the security with my suitcase full of toys. The big one - that I had dispatched at the counter minutes before.
"Sir, are you Geoffrey Peeters ?" yes... "What do you have in your suitcase ?" toys... "Toys (in disbelief) ?" yes, toys... "Can you open it please ? We saw a metal object on the x-ray that may look like a grenade..." a what ? "a grenade, sir"...
"What is this ?" it's Gigantor... "Gigantor ? Can you open the box and show me this item sir ?"
Took me 5 minutes to explain, but I was able to board and my suitcase went on the plane - with my all diecast, pot-belly Gigantor. (true story)
Today I guess I might get shot on sight for the crime of smuggling robots ! Be this a lesson to you all: if you travel by plane, leave your Gigantor home...