Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Ford Fairlane in space...

Space Patrol, Nomura, Japan, 1962

detail (astronaut)

detail  (gun litho)

This version is lightblue and the canister is at the back !

(other versions have canisters as backpack for spaceman) 

sponsored by... Ford !

1959 Ford Fairlane (non-space ready !)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Il était une fois l'homme...


Il était une fois l'homme

Era uma vez ... homem, figurines, Edigrafic, Portugal, 1980's

How about learning your history in a ludic, funny way ? This was the whole purpose of "Once upon a time ... man", a cartoon created and directed by Albert Barillé (read more about it here).

It became so popular that pretty soon it left the buondaries of France and was shown in lots of other countries... also Portugal where it was called "Era uma vez homem"...

And of course they made figurines of the show... 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

So, don't want to pay royalties ?

Space Rocket Solar X - Nomura, japan, 1968

Well, of course it's Thunderbird one... with a lucky seven... and another paintjob, and different ailerons.

Are we good ? 

Don't force it !

rubber thingy protecting the lightcone when boxed


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Happy holidays to all ! (oh yes, take the bus...)

Continental Trailways Silver Eagle, Charmy Toy, Japan, 1950's

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Batman's new rides !

Batmobile, Mattel, 2017, China

Batmobile, Burger King, 2019, China

Batmobile (Beware the Batman animé), McDonald's, 2013, China

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Aerogiocattoli - now I need to find a slingshot !

Aerogiocattoli Missile Atlas, Italy, 1960's

You aim

You launch 

it opens up...

and a little capsule with a parachute comes down...

How simple toy design can be, really !

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

And the rules are ...

1. Keep him out of sunlight

2. Don't get him wet

3. and no matter what, do not feed him after midnight !

Magwai (Gizmo), Quirón SA, Spain, 1983

Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Space Bagatelle game !

Raket-Gezelschapsspel, 1950's, Belgium or Netherlands ?

Rules of play behind the board

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Space-Snik rocket, 1984, Bully, W.-Germany

Back side

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Fariboles Captain Flam statue

Capitaine Flam 1/6th scale,
Fariboles Productions, France, 2024

I think it will be very, very difficult to outdo this one... see more about it here.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Observe !

Sky Observer badge, ?, 1950's-60's

No good Space Cadet goes out without it ! It's the "official" badge telling the non-initiated that you know your satellites better than everyone else ! Wear it proudly on you and reach for the sky !

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Targets in Space

Targets in Space, Spears Games, UK, 1950's

Wind-up mechanism behind the targets

Beautiful space - art !

It was translated "Les Intrus de l'Espace" for the
French market, and a special FR flyer was added

Originally came with 3 darts (one missing)

A big thanks to Michel from Het Tijdreisbureau (ex-Habbekrats) and all the best for your retirement plans ! Hope to meet you one day here in Lisbon !