Thursday, July 25, 2024

Batman's new rides !

Batmobile, Mattel, 2017, China

Batmobile, Burger King, 2019, China

Batmobile (Beware the Batman animé), McDonald's, 2013, China

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Aerogiocattoli - now I need to find a slingshot !

Aerogiocattoli Missile Atlas, Italy, 1960's

You aim

You launch 

it opens up...

and a little capsule with a parachute comes down...

How simple toy design can be, really !

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

And the rules are ...

1. Keep him out of sunlight

2. Don't get him wet

3. and no matter what, do not feed him after midnight !

Magwai (Gizmo), Quirón SA, Spain, 1983

Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Space Bagatelle game !

Raket-Gezelschapsspel, 1950's, Belgium or Netherlands ?

Rules of play behind the board

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Space-Snik rocket, 1984, Bully, W.-Germany

Back side

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Fariboles Captain Flam statue

Capitaine Flam 1/6th scale,
Fariboles Productions, France, 2024

I think it will be very, very difficult to outdo this one... see more about it here.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Observe !

Sky Observer badge, ?, 1950's-60's

No good Space Cadet goes out without it ! It's the "official" badge telling the non-initiated that you know your satellites better than everyone else ! Wear it proudly on you and reach for the sky !

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Targets in Space

Targets in Space, Spears Games, UK, 1950's

Wind-up mechanism behind the targets

Beautiful space - art !

It was translated "Les Intrus de l'Espace" for the
French market, and a special FR flyer was added

Originally came with 3 darts (one missing)

A big thanks to Michel from Het Tijdreisbureau (ex-Habbekrats) and all the best for your retirement plans ! Hope to meet you one day here in Lisbon !