
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

And another fin... fine automobile !

Space car with dome, Plakie, USA, 1946

How do you get in ?
Nice wheels, Jetson !

there is the fin !
Frogeye nose ?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Calling International Rescue...

Thunderbird 5, JR21, 1965 Hong Kong

It's light and sound when this
toy is on !

With docking station for 
Thunderbird 5
Looking for someone to 
rescue ?


Monday, May 17, 2021

Mexican plastic - it's fantastic !

Robot Bank, Vinilos Romay S.A.,
Mexico, 1970's ? 

with fake screws molded in the plastic !

It's Wattoo Wattoo !

Wattoo Wattoo Superbird, Ceji-Lang, 1978, France

This is another one of my toys linked to childhood memories... Wattoo-Wattoo was a cartoon I loved as a child. Little birds from another planet bringing ecology to very stupid geese that were polluting all the time... 

Going to multiply ?
They have a bouncy string to make'em fly !

They have a squeezy whistle in the belly !


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tubes and hoses and pipes and plumbing... in space...

Astronaute, JEM RF, France, 1970's (?)

I think they made these when "Scoubidous" (plastic lace bracelets and trinkets) were all the rage...

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tweety & Silvester PEZ dispensers
Austria, 1978

Monday, May 10, 2021

Sticky Godzilla babies !

Godzilla, Livins Stationary Corp, Taiwan, 1970's ?

Another FDL find... these guys are glue dispensers... paper sticker eyes... just so cute as a group !

Saving Yen after Yen...

Daiichi Bank robot (?), Japan, 1970's ?

This one will join my unusual robot shelf... 

- Why the spike? 
- Does this bank still exist? 
- Why don't we get robots when we open bank acounts here in Europe?